Adaptive optics combined with the ophthalmoscope is a new hope for ophthalmologists and optometrists to obtain a better retinal image. 补偿光学和检眼镜的结合为眼科医生和视光学医师得到清晰的视网膜像带来了新的希望。
It will substantially help to improve the retinal image quality by compensating the definite wavefront aberration when refractive error has been well corrected in myopia. 提示对近视眼进行矫治时应兼顾调节和像差的针对性补偿,从而提高其视网膜成像质量。
Retinal Vessel Image Segmentation and Three-dimensional Reconstruction of Retinal Vessel 视网膜血管图像分割及眼底血管三维重建
This paper presented an efficient method for segmentation blood vessels in retinal image. 提出了一种新的、有效的视网膜血管分割方法。
Objective To introduce a system for measuring retinal image parameters of shape. 目的介绍一种能与传统的眼底照相机匹配的眼底图像处理系统的图像形态参数测定方法。
The retinal image processing system has the advantage of modular structure and universal user interface, which can guarantee the system expand well. 所实现的图像处理系统,具有模块化结构和通用一致的用户接口,保证了系统具有良好的可扩充性。
Methods To design an algorithm for automatically measuring retinal image shape parameters and to project the results on a computer monitor using the VC++ program. 方法设计针对眼底视网膜图像形态参数进行自动测量的方法,并用VC++程序实现。
Automated measurement of retinal image parameters of shape 眼底图像形态参数测定
Objective To investigate the change of retinal image magnification and its relationship to post-operative best corrected visual acuity ( BCVA) after implanting phakic anterior chamber intraocular lens for extreme high myopia. 目的探讨有晶状体眼前房型人工晶状体植入术后高度近视患者视网膜成像放大率的变化规律,了解视网膜放大率变化与视力提高量之间的关系。
Retinal image degradation resulted in active ocular growth in the development of experimental myopia. 目前的研究表明,实验性近视眼的发生是视网膜成像质量下降刺激眼球主动生长的结果。
Effect of Contact Lenses on Retinal Image Quality in Myopic Eyes 隐形眼镜配戴对近视眼视网膜成像质量的影响
Methods: We first measured the optical retinal image quality of myopic eyes using a retinal MTF tester, which was invented at Wenzhou Medical College. 方法:使用温州医学院研制的激光视网膜MTF测定仪测量近视眼视网膜CSF;
Surveying the digital image registration algorithms, the paper studies the retinal image registration methods including based on the blood vessel feature correspondency and pixel correlation. 本课题在对国内外已有的数字图像配准技术分析的基础上,以视网膜图像为研究对象,对视网膜图像配准方法进行研究,包括基于血管特征点对应性和基于血管网络相似性的配准方法。
Study on Automatic Registration Algorithm for Retinal Image 视网膜图像自动配准算法的研究
The retinal image is composed of equal brightness blobs with different sizes, brightness values and boundaries. 网膜映象由大小不一、亮度值不等、边界不同的等亮度斑块组成,称其为视素。
A multimedia structure has been designed for patient's case history file, which includes the basic information of patients, the operating information during sampling and processing patient's retinal image and the result. 一个用于眼底普查的图象处理系统该系统设计了一种多媒体病历结构,可以记录病人的基本信息及操作信息,并以病人的多媒体病历为对象,组织系统的功能结构。
Radiant Distortion Calibration for Retinal Image Based on Homomorphic Filtering 基于同态滤波的视网膜图像辐射量畸变校正
Key Technical Research on the Processing and Analysis of Retinal Image 视网膜图像处理与分析中关键技术研究
A novel method for measuring retinal circulation time with computer image processing technology 视网膜循环时间的计算机测量方法研究
The key process and difficulty to realize compute intelligent auxiliary diagnosis of retinal image is how to automatically ac-quire the pathological information. 视网膜图像病变信息的计算机自动提取算法是计算机智能辅助诊断的关键和难点。
Many new and evolving technologies can overcome some disadvantages of old surgery by increasing retinal image contrast to a more limited extent resolution, then increase vision best and decrease complication. 许多新的和发展的技术,通过增加视网膜成像的对比度,达至更高的清晰度,以克服以往手术的某些弊端,更大程度地提高视力,减少并发症。
Quantitative analysis to arterio-venous nicking in retinal image 视网膜动静脉血管交叉征的定量分析
The retinal image segmentation, the feature points of blood vessel extraction, the feature correspondency, the transformation model of retinal image and the registration parameter optimizing methods are all the main facts studied in the paper. 主要研究内容包括视网膜图像血管网络的分割、血管特征点的提取、特征对应性、变换模型以及参数优化等方面。
A fully automatic hierarchical method of retinal image registration based on the geometrical feature extraction is proposed. 提出了一种基于视网膜图像特征点可靠提取的算法,在此基础上提出了一种对视网膜图像进行分步式的图像配准方法。
We employ steerable filters to adaptively enhance blood vessels in retinal image, then vector features are constructed to describe the pixel using line operator under different scale. 首先用不同尺度下的导向滤波器实现视网膜血管的白适应增强,然后用直线算子描述像素点的特征。
There are number of good ways to detect blood vessels in retinal image proposed by researchers. But most of them trend to lose thin vessels in the low contrast background. 目前研究者提出了许多血管自动检测方法,并取得了较好的效果,但主要问题是在低对比度的背景里,这些方法经常丢失小血管。
The reconstruction speed is very fast and needs no interaction during the process. ( 4) A retinal blood vessel image segmentation algorithm was presented. 该方法不需要人工交互,重建速度快,重建效果较好。(4)提出了一种新的眼底视网膜血管图像分割算法。
Then, eye tissue image of CT image, retinal blood vessel image, slit-lamp micrograph and slice image were use in the eye tissue modeling method research. 所研究的眼部组织图像包括:CT图像、裂隙灯显微图像、眼底视网膜血管图像和眼球组织切片图像等。
Subsequently, the related processing algorithms applied in diameter measurements of retinal image are divided into two parts: one is the part of retinal image preprocessing algorithms; the other is the part of retinal blood vessel diameter directly measurement algorithms. 随后,将视网膜管径测量中用到的相关处理算法分为两部分:一部分为视网膜图像预处理,另一部分为视网膜血管管径测量。对这两部分分别进行现有的理论研究和实验。
Primarily, morphological characteristics of blood vessels on retinal image are comprehensively analyzed, and thus designing the dedicated approach and implementation process for diameter measurement of blood vessels on retinal image. 首先全面分析了视网膜图像的血管形态特点,并以此设计了对视网膜图像管径测量的专用的处理方法及实现流程。